Buzzy Bees enjoy a variety of exciting activities and experiences everyday. The children have access to many role play activities in this area and have been very involved in creating the environment.
Music plays an important part in Buzzy Bees daily routine. Children join in with different action rhymes and often use Makaton sign language during singing and music activities.
The children especially thrive in imaginative play, dressing up in their favourite role play outfits and re-enacting familiar stories, as well as creating a few of their own!!
The Buzzy Bees are able to access a large outdoor area which leads directly off the room. This is set up each day with a variety of resources which include ride-on toys and large tyres to encourage balance, mobility and supervised risk taking. The children often take a walk around the Farm and visit the Pygmy goats whilst collecting the eggs from the chickens.
Encouraging and developing the children’s social skills is also important in Buzzy Bees. The children are encouraged to take turns and to share with the other children. At snack and meal times the children sit together in small groups around tables to create a homely environment.